Saturday 12 October 2024

Vincent Van Gogh


Read these sentences about Vincent’s life and try to predict if they’re true (T) or false (F). Then watch the video to check your ideas.
1. The Van Gogh Museum is located in Paris. ___
2. Vincent’s mother suggested that he become an artist. ___
3. When he lived in Paris, Vincent learned how to use colour from other artists. ___
4. Vincent realised that he could paint the sea using many different types of blue.___
5. Vincent made many beautiful paintings when he was ill in hospital.___
6. Towards the end of his life, he gave up painting completely. ___

Read the questions. Can you remember the answers? Watch again to check.
1. Was Vincent famous in his lifetime?
2. Why was his painting "The Potato Eaters" typical of his work?
3. How did he use balls of wool in his work?
4. What were two reasons why he decided to leave Paris?
5. Vincent had a lot of arguments with people before the terrible event when he cut off his own ear.
What were these arguments about?
6. What can we learn from Vincent’s life?

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